少時紐約fan meeting 後記整理
Interview time #GGRunsNY
The girls are are here!
TaeNy & YulSic sitting next to each other ^^
Wow Taeyeon is crying because she is so touched
Hahaha girls' generation throwing signed shirts to the audience
Taeyeon cried when it started because she felt the love in the room was so strong!
[翻譯]泰妍在開始的時候就哭了, 因為她感覺到現場的愛意濃濃.
The room is now singing to the girls and The girls join in singing along with us! They're waving and saying thank you!!
[翻譯]現場現在在給少女們唱歌, 少女們也一起跟我們唱! 她們在揮手說謝謝!
GG first fan meeting in NYC! The girls are so personable and performed TeddyRiley's The Boys!
[翻譯]GG的第一次紐約市粉絲見面會! 少女們都個性很好還有表演, THE BOYS.
So Taeyeon's cold hasn't cure before The Boys comeback until now. sigh...T__T
[翻譯]泰妍的感冒從THE BOYS回歸時直到現在都還沒完全好. 嘆氣....
Guess who stopped by Times Square for an exclusive interview with MTV K?! ^^
Jessica said she was going right to sleep after lol
[翻譯]毛毛說, 等一會完了她就去睡覺. 哈哈
Taeyeon wasn't feeling well and was tired but she was so funny and ajumma laughed a few times
[翻譯]泰妍感覺不是很好而且很累, 但她還是很抽風還有她也大媽笑了幾次.
Thank you to everyone who attended the 1st Girls' Generation US Fan Meeting! We hope you had fun! Have safe trips home SONE's! #GGRunsNY
[翻譯]謝謝各位參加了少女時代的第一次美國粉絲見面會! 我們希望你玩的不錯! SONE們回家小心! GG在NY.
They all remember me and Yuri tapped me on the shoulder while I was packing and said she missed me and thank you!!!!!
[翻譯]她們全部記得我, 還有Yuri在我收拾東西的時候拍了拍我的肩膀說道她想我還說了謝謝!!!!
Look forward to our chat with Girls' Generation!! They were so cute and answered some new questions
[翻譯]期待我們和少女時代的閒聊!! 她們真的很可愛, 還回答了一些新問題.
Lol we were trying to give the t&c necklaces to GG but lol they already opened thegifts and wore them! Apparently they started a collection
[翻譯]我們試著送T&C項鍊給GG, 但是她們已經打開了禮物, 還戴上了! 看起來她們開始收集了.
Fans requested Daemul imitation from Sooyoung but she has a cold. She wanted to imitate her manager but ended up with Christina. so funny
[翻譯]飯們要求蘇勇做"大物"的模仿但是她感冒了. 她想模仿她的經紀人, 但是最後還是模仿了Christina(美女閒聊的). 太好笑了.
when Sunny did her aegyo, Yuri stood up and wanted to punch her. LMAO
[翻譯]當SUN寶寶撒嬌的時候, Yuri站了起來想要打她. 笑死了.
I just gifted Taeyeon a bag of toys for them to play on the plane
SNSD fan meeting NY. Taeyeon "I am looking forward where we are meeting next. It does not has to be just in Korea or US or it can be anywhere in the world. So I am looking forward for the next meeting. Thank you very much and I love you!"
ps Taeyeon still has her 'boyfriend' from SSF because she hid it in her bathroom but it is getting slimy. lol
[翻譯]少女時代紐約粉絲見面會. 泰妍:"我很期待下一次的見面會會在哪裡. 不需要只在韓國或是美國, 可以是在世界的任何地方. 所以我很期待下一次的見面會. 非常的感謝你們, 還有, 我愛你!"
PS: 泰妍還有著SSF送她的"男朋友"因為她藏在了她的廁所, 但是還是有點黏黏的. 哈哈(男朋友=三顆豆豆.)
aww, this is the reason why Taeng was missed out RT @hipsterquinn We love when Taeyeon sings was on the list. But she was so ill we didn't want her to feel pressured to sing live. [翻譯]我們愛"泰妍唱歌"在節目列表的時候, 但是她真的病的好重所以我們不想她感覺到唱現場LIVE的壓力

fr 紅薯夫婦吧
During the MTV interview today they asked Seohyun about Yonghwa and she said that they still kept in touch..
via @_babyErica
"Haha when Yonghwa came up, all the girls started cheering. It was pretty cute. MTVK.com should have the full interview up in like 2-3 weeks after they finish editing. ^^" -lilchoiboy18 of Tumblr
少女時代正在拍攝KBS的新檔綜藝《Star人生劇場》。此檔節目的拍攝意圖和方式是,近距離拍攝明星們近一個月來的一舉一動,以展現其華麗背後最真實的一面。已拍攝完畢的明星有演員柳時元和吉他手金泰元,即將進行拍攝的明星有演員黃正民,而少女時代篇,則正在拍攝中。該節目將於11月7日開播。 轉自人人少女時代公共主頁
少女時代 談論在Madison Square Garden歷史性的公演
轉載請註明♥Dear Jessica♥ 少女時代Jessica中文應援站
來源:MTV 翻譯:棗 制圖:棗