With refined performances and beautiful slender legs like a barbie doll, Girls' Generation created an instant sensation in Japan.
This year it's their 6th year since their debut in Korea and they are active in places all over the world, as well as reaching a debut in America!
A close-up of Girls' Generation, who are building a new generation while emitting a bright aura.
If you look back on the days from your debut until now, [what do you see]?
Seohyun: While running around the world happily, 5 years has passed already. I don't have any feeling that it has been that long.
Sooyoung: To the people around us it see***ike we had a hard time, but we definitely don't feel like that. Maybe all of us are really tough (laughs).
Jessica: The fact that I was able to keep on going these 5 years is because of the members. Our strong bond is our weapon.
For the first half of this year you mostly worked abroad, so do you feel a difference in fans of different countries?
Tiffany: In Korea, singing the chorus together is the basis and because the majority are male fans a lower tone resounds.
Because Western fans dance and sing together with us, it feels like the concert hall turns into a club! Let's party!
Seohyun: I'm happy that the fans respect us as an artist.
In busy times, how do you refresh yourself?
Seohyun: There are lots of members that love to use aromas. I sleep with aroma oil applied on my temples.
Yoona: I also apply plenty of aromatic body mist when I go to bed. If I do so, I can sleep soundly.
Taeyeon: I'll say to myself 'There, there, you are a good kid Taeyeon,' and I cure myself. (laughs)
Sunny: It's only for something emotionally, but it makes me happy. Also, there are a lot of times we go eat something delicious.
Jessica: Our regular place is a patbingsoo store that has red bean on top of shaved snow. It's slightly sweet and it heals us.
Sooyoung: Lately, it's a trend among us to drive together to the Han river. While listening to music, we drive and relieve our stress.
秀英:我們會一起去HAN RIVER(漢江嗎?)
Yuri: We went for a ride with Tiffany driving, but she is still a beginner so I was honestly scared.(laughs)
Tiffany: Hey! (gets angry)
帕尼:HEY! (假裝生氣)
Seohyun: I'm happy that the fans respect us as an artist.
In busy times, how do you refresh yourself?
Seohyun: There are lots of members that love to use aromas. I sleep with aroma oil applied on my temples.
Yoona: I also apply plenty of aromatic body mist when I go to bed. If I do so, I can sleep soundly.
Taeyeon: I'll say to myself 'There, there, you are a good kid Taeyeon,' and I cure myself. (laughs)
Sunny: It's only for something emotionally, but it makes me happy. Also, there are a lot of times we go eat something delicious.
Jessica: Our regular place is a patbingsoo store that has red bean on top of shaved snow. It's slightly sweet and it heals us.
Sooyoung: Lately, it's a trend among us to drive together to the Han river. While listening to music, we drive and relieve our stress.
秀英:我們會一起去HAN RIVER(漢江嗎?)
Yuri: We went for a ride with Tiffany driving, but she is still a beginner so I was honestly scared.(laughs)
Tiffany: Hey! (gets angry)
帕尼:HEY! (假裝生氣)
Hyoyeon: Japanese fans are focused on our performance throughout the song and when the song is finished the cheers are so loud that the concert hall is shaking.
Seohyun: I'm happy that the fans respect us as an artist.
In busy times, how do you refresh yourself?
Seohyun: There are lots of members that love to use aromas. I sleep with aroma oil applied on my temples.
Yoona: I also apply plenty of aromatic body mist when I go to bed. If I do so, I can sleep soundly.
Taeyeon: I'll say to myself 'There, there, you are a good kid Taeyeon,' and I cure myself. (laughs)
Sunny: It's only for something emotionally, but it makes me happy. Also, there are a lot of times we go eat something delicious.
Jessica: Our regular place is a patbingsoo store that has red bean on top of shaved snow. It's slightly sweet and it heals us.
Sooyoung: Lately, it's a trend among us to drive together to the Han river. While listening to music, we drive and relieve our stress.
秀英:我們會一起去HAN RIVER(漢江嗎?)
Yuri: We went for a ride with Tiffany driving, but she is still a beginner so I was honestly scared.(laughs)
Tiffany: Hey! (gets angry)
帕尼:HEY! (假裝生氣)
Girls' Generation's 2nd Japanese album, “GIRLS' GENERATION II -Girls & Peace-” was released on November 28th.
Taeyeon: From cool club sounds to sweet numbers, it's an album filled with uptemposongs that will get you thinking of Girls' Generation singing and dancing!
Tiffany: Recently I re-listened to our first album, “GIRLS' GENERATION”. Honestly I thought,
We can't make an album better than this, however this album can top that. I recommend all the songs!
It's amazing that all the songs are recommendations! What's your favorite song?
Everyone: Hmm~ I can’t choose~!
Somehow pick one!
就選一首嘛! (嘿嘿我幫她加了一個嘛,感覺上這樣撒嬌少時才會選1首出來)
Taeyeon: If I have to choose, then it's 'Stay girls'.
A girl who perseveres into becoming a wonderful matured woman is the main character of the beautiful lyrics.
When hearing the refreshing melody, my mood becomes brighter.
泰妍:如果讓我選,那就“STAY GIRLS”吧。這首歌有著清新的韻律,聽了我的心情會變好。
Yoona: 'Stay girls' is the favorite song of all the members. I also listen to it while walking.
允兒:“STAY GIRLS”是所有的成員喜歡的歌。我時常一面走路一面聽。
Seohyun: 'Oh', our Korean song that was remade with Japanese lyrics is also recommended.
I think we upgraded our expressions and it is also cuter than the Korean version.
Jessica: I like 'Not Alone' because I can imagine myself singing it while a spotlight is shining on me on stage.
Although 'Reflection' is refined, the beat has a retro feeling to it and is very addicting.
西卡:我喜歡“NOT ALONE”。因為當我唱的時候好像在我在舞台上唱歌,燈光照耀著我。 “Refletion”也不錯。
Tiffany: I like 'Reflection' too~! I always liked songs with a beat more, but this song's musical interval fits me so I can sing it the best.
This is just one of Jessica's hard working points. With the album clearly worn on your belt, the arena tour will start next year from February.
Sooyoung: We have an artist's luck to start the new year with concerts.
Sunny: Because the amount of our Japanese songs increased, we could show a live performance with only original Japanese songs.
Yuri: We are steadily in progress of preparations. Personally in order not to run out of breath, I'll run or do weightlift training and try to build up stamina.
What do you look forward to during the Japanese tour?
Sunny: Unagi (eel). After eating hitsumabushi in Nagoya, we all got addicted to unagi. During this year's tour we had unagi for 3 days in a row.
sunny:UNAGI(鰻魚)。在nagoya吃過hitsumabushi,我們中了鰻魚的毒。 (喜歡上鰻魚的意思)今年的演唱會我們吃了連續3天的鰻魚
Yuri: Yes right. Because I ate too much unagi one time, I couldn't stop glowing during the concert and I was very energetic,
so it was tough (laughs). But surely during next tour I definitely want to eat only unagi.
Tiffany: Also Hiroshima Okonomiyaki! I also want to go to the onsen to get smooth skin.
Yoona: But what I'm looking forward to the most is the cosplay by fans! When I see them imitating our clothes and hairstyles,
I get really happy! All the members always look forward to what cosplay they will come in next.
Yuri: Everyone~! We can definitely see it from the stage! Please keep on doing lots of costly~!
Taeyeon: When having a talk like this I want to meet everyone fast. I'm anxiously awaiting next year!
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秀英.太妍 .帕尼《anan》日本雜誌 翻譯
英翻: Yuri addict
fr @Following妍愛今生
【轉載】ANAN帕尼部份翻譯轉載CR:Soshifield(真的很有看點。1:出國會拿很多行李,因為…2:護膚很重要;3:小粉車裡裝的車墊還是粉色的Hello Kitty,帶成員們去漢江兜過風,然後成員們聽著音樂很嗨,她只能集中開車
Fashionable and UV care (life)!
Now I’m dreaming of driving in my beloved car.
When going abroad, the member who is rumored to have the most luggage is Tiffany.
I can't relax if my hotel room is not reproduced like my own room. In the bathroom,
I set up my makeup in a row and stuff my clothes in the closet.
And because I want to change my shoes and bags every day my suitcase is filled to the brim.
Packing is hard, but I can't stop being fashionable. (laughs)”
每次出國的時候,成員們說帕尼是最多行李箱的。 如果我住在酒店會感到很不適應因為不是自己的房間。在洗澡房裡,我會把化妝品排成一排,把衣服放進衣櫥裡。因為我每天都要換鞋子和包包所以我的行李箱會很滿。收拾行李很難,但是我不可以停止時尚(笑)
The same importance as being fashionable is skin.
UV care is important with winter treatment. You'd think the sunlight is weak and the UV rays are only few in winter, but actually it's a lot.
Because of measurements against dryness, sunscreen throughout the year is a must!”
Recently she got her long-awaited driver's license! She took the members for a ride and drove to the Han river.
“冬天保養是很重要的。你會認為冬天陽光很弱紫外線不強,其實是很強的。我最近終於考到夢寐以求的駕照了!我還載著成員到HAN RIVER(漢江?)”
My beloved car is a pink small (motor) car with hello kitty cushions placed inside. Glancing at the members getting excited listening to music, I focus on driving with my undivided attention.
我心愛的車是一個里面有hello kitty墊子的粉色小(摩托?這裡是這樣寫的...)車。成員們很興奮的聽音樂,我專心的駕車。”
Sunny (小桑)
Simple is best is my motto. The energetic source and smiling face of the members.
Sunny is an open-hearted girl, who doesn't worry about small things. When traveling she also prefers simplicity.
For a one night and two days trip I don't bring a suitcase. My luggage is very minimal. Whenever I look at Tiffany's suitcase, I wonder what is in there? On the contrary, it's very mysterious (laughs).
During The Boys promotions she tried short blonde hair, it was a major change to a sharp matured woman.
在THE BOYS宣傳時期她嘗試了短金發,是轉變成成**人的象徵。
It was the first time after being born that I had short hair. I actually wanted to cut it really short,but after talking with the staff we settled on this length.
I'm pleased with it, but there are also members that think it's better to go back to long hair, so I'm thinking what to do next.”
In Girls' Generation she is always full of energy. What is the source of that energy?
Even when I feel down, whenever I look at the members smile, I naturally become happy.Being together with the members is my source of energy.”
“Using my time wisely”, that’s my rule.
Although the youngest, Seohyun is famous for being reliable. Does she have a rule for herself?
In the past I always endeavored to 'try to use my time well'. If you're a student then it'd be good to spend time according to school,
however now I need to manage myself. If I don't decide what I'll do at what time, then I'll be washed away with busyness. I make an effort to not be lazy, but it's very hard. (laughs)
As they promote in different countries, it see***ike Seohyun was surprised at how the passion of the cheering fans was not any different.
Especially during concerts, even if the language is different, the sense of communication through music is the same no matter what country. Why the fans' energy is the same is very mysterious.
Then, what is her impression of Japanese fans?
During last year's Japan tour, there were fans who came to all 14 shows! I was very surprised! I'm very thankful.
I've loved dance from an early age! I may indeed have talent (laughs).
From an early age, I just really loved dance. At first I started it as a hobby, but it seems I was born with talent. (laughs)
Hyoyeon, who demonstrates magnificent dances in Girls' Generation. Please tell us how you practice dance!
In the past I would watch TV and practice mimicking the dances of popular artists at the time.
Recently, I'm studying the dances of the artist, Chris Brown. Everything about his stage from the energy felt to his performance and voice, is perfect!
以前我跟著電視裡有名的藝人一起跳舞。最近,我正在學CHRIS BROWN的舞蹈。他舞台的每一件東西,他的表演他的聲音都超完美!
This year it's been 5 years since debuting as Girls' Generation. Looking back it's really been a flash.
從少女時代出道至現在已經5年了,現在看來真的好像閃光一樣。 (只一下子就過去了)
Throughout the time of 5 years, I think our bonds have become stronger.
We have come to know the different sides of each other and we have deepened our understanding of one another.
Generally, if we've been together for 5 years, I think it wouldn't be that strange if we get into fights over trivial matters, however, we have gotten along better.
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- Dec 23 Sun 2012 08:48
<font color="#7AFA00">韓網民評2012女偶像 美麗排名/音樂劇後記一則/ANAN雜誌訪問翻譯</font>