

 倫敦當地時間20日在Kensington Gardens舉行2012 F/W Burberry Prorsum Women's Collection Fashion Show,允兒、徐賢、Tiffany作為韓國代表受到邀請將參加此次活動。 Burberry Creative總負責人Christopher Bailey正式邀請了少女時代成員允兒、徐賢、Tiffany。 當天時裝秀現場將通過在線網站直播。 另外,少女時代參加的此次時裝秀也會在韓國時間21日凌晨1時開始通過在線網站、、glam.kr播出。




Update with new interview:

With the end of “Wild Romance” approaching, Girls' Generation's Jessica took the time for an interview to reflect on her first acting experience. She show her appreciation for her fellow actors, saying, “Because it was my first attempt at acting, it was a nerve-wracking and fun job. I was lacking, but I want to say thank you to Lee Dongwook and Lee Siyoung for being able to act with them.”

Jessica also brought up the possibility of acting in the future, hinting, “I will work hard to be active as Girls' Generation's Jessica, and to meet you all as actress Jessica through future works.” Finally, she thanked the audience of “Wild Romance”, saying, “Thank you very much for loving Jonghee so much. Thank you to all the viewers who watched 'Wild Romance', and I love you.”
The final two episodes of “Wild Romance” will air next week on February 22nd and February 23rd.

《暴力羅曼史》的演出接近尾聲,少女時代的Jessica抽出時間,接受了這個採訪,反映她的第一次表演經驗。 她感謝了和她一起演出的演員們,說道:“ 因為這​​是我第一次嘗試演戲,這是個讓人緊張,同時又很有趣的工作。我有不足的地方,但是我想說很感謝能和Lee Dongwook 和Lee Siyoung一起演戲。

Jessica也暗示了未來演戲的可能性,“我會努力成為少女時代中活躍的Jessica,在未來也希望能以女演員Jessica的身份和大家見面。”最 後,她感謝所有《暴力羅曼史》的觀眾們,“灰常感謝你們對Jonghee的喜愛。謝謝所有觀看《暴力羅曼史》的觀眾們。And I love you.


轉自SSF soshified


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