MBC《黃金漁場-Radio Star》15日的嘉賓為 2PM,澤演也在節目中談到自己與「Jessica」的緣分。
澤演首先談到自己在美國時,曾交了一位也叫做 Jessica 的女朋友。對此,主持人也趁勝繼續追問關於過去與少女時代 – Jessica 在日本咖啡廳被狗仔捕捉到的故事。
主持人:「因為你忘不了 Jessica,所以就在日本穿著運動服與少女時代的 Jessica 見面嗎?也有傳言表示你是 Jessica 殺手呢!」對此,澤演解釋:「我剛好在日本活動,聽說 Jessica 也是,所以就約出來喝咖啡…沒想到卻被拍到。」
ⓒ 來源:allkpop
ⓒ 撰寫:Kpopn 的 CHI
ⓒ 轉載請註明
1. 最親近的exo-k的成員是?
2. 妳希望妳的粉絲怎麼稱呼妳?
A. Gorjess (gorgeous極好的、極美的意思+Jess的變形)
B. Jess
C. Sica (西卡)
D. Goddess (女神)
E. 西卡公主
3. 如果妳願意與某位成員交換妳們的生活一天,你會選?
B. 徐玄 (旁邊還多了表情符號)
4. 在少女時代成員中,誰與exo的成員最親近?
A. 太妍 (兩個勾)
E. 孝淵 (兩個勾)
F. 俞利
G. 秀英
I. 徐玄 (兩個勾)
Gotta start blogging about how I met Jessica Jung of Girls’ Generation here in Hong Kong. Two days guys, I’ve met her for two days and It was so overwhelming. She’s so kind, nice and most of all, beautiful. I love how she entertained her fans and I’m really happy that I got to meet her and found out how nice she is.
May 13, My friend and I waited for Sica at the airport since the time of our arrival is quite the same as hers (they said), so we tried to wait but since she didn’t arrive yet, we decided to just eat first. After hours we decided to just pass by the venue instead. When we arrived, there were a lot of people waiting for Sica outside. I wasn’t able to go near the venue since there were a lot of people but when Sica arrived a few hours later, my friend and I tried to squeeze in the crowd. We took a few photos and we were screaming her name and she gave so much fanservice to the crowd. I love how she actually went out of the glass just so she could give us kisses and waves. Also, when she went to stairs, she actually stayed for a bit at the middle of the staircase just to give fanservice. She’s really kind.
After, my friend and I decided to go back to the hotel and to my surprise, some fans who were there said that Sica also will be staying in that hotel and I was really excited. We had dinner and we stayed at the lobby for hours. While waiting, I decided to scan my I Got A Boy album and looked for Sica’s page, I also wrote some post-it questions for her.
A few fans left but after minutes of waiting, Sica arrived at the hotel. My friend and I were literally shaking because we really didn’t expect her to stay in that same hotel. We were fangirling secretly at the side and she looked at us and she saw my I Got A Boy album and smiled, she also said “Do you want me to sign that?” and I literally froze and she smiled “Don’t be shy.” I took a step forward and the guards were asking me not to stay close but she motioned for us to come to her and there, she signed the album and smiled again. I told her how gorgeous she is and I told her that I’m starting to fall for her and she’s answered me “Please keep on supporting Girls’ Generation, okay?” And smiled again.
I love how she smiles at us and she’s really kind. I don’t know how many times I’ve typed “kind” on this post but I’m very much saying the truth that she’s genuinely kind.
原因是因為我們聽說她的班機抵達時間與我們很接近,所以我們想要試著等一下,然而她卻仍未抵達,於是我們決定先去吃些東西。幾個小時後,我們決定直接穿越大廳。當我們到那裡的時候已經有非常多人在外面等待西卡了。因為人潮的關係,我甚至沒有辦法接近大廳。但是當西卡抵達的幾個小時後,我與我的朋友賣力的叫著她的名字,她也給了大家非常多的fan service。我喜歡她特別走出玻璃只是為了要給我們飛吻以及向我們揮手。同樣的,當她在階梯那裡時,她實際上也在階梯的中間待了一小陣子只是為了要給我們fan service。她真的很親切。
May 12, My friend and I went at the lobby and we saw a few bodyguards who stayed a long the hallways and there we, again, saw Sica. We were so shy to pass by the area and there were only a few people staying at the lobby. I guess she’s going somewhere because she was wearing something casual. I love how she dressed up casually but still, looking gorjess as ever. She looked at us again and smiled. She even greeted us and that was the time I asked her if she could answer some some post-it questions. At first, she’s hesitating to answer but she told us about the questions and I gave her the post-its. We stayed near the table and there she read the questions.
JESSICA: “I’ve answered a lot of EXO related questions before. Please keep on supporting them. Those kids are very hard working.”
This is what she said when she read the exo related questions I gave her. She also checked Taeyeon, Hyoyeon and Seohyun’s names twice! Since I’m an EXO fan too, I didn’t slip the chance of asking Jessica. She also said that Suho is close to every SNSD member too.
She also laughed when she saw the PRINCESS SICA and she said that she loved it. Also, when I asked her about who among the members you would like to switch places/exchange lives with for a day (I gave her three choices - YOONA, SEOHYUN & TIFFANY) she chuckled and said, I would want to try Joohyun’s life. And she checked Seohyun’s name.
My friend and I were really lucky to meet her twice and we’re really lucky that she was the first one to smile to us and told us that we can talk to her. She’s really friendly. I don’t get why some people think that she isn’t nice. She’s definitely one of the nicest SM artists I’ve ever met in my life.
Also, I asked her if we could take a picture but since she was in a hurry, she just told me next time and she looked really guilty because she pouted and she said she’s a bit in a hurry, of course, I understood. But to my surprise, she actually opened her arms and hugged us (my friend and i).
I really love her now. My friend and I cried for a minute when she waved goodbye, I guess she went to a mall or something because the woman next to her asked her if she wants to go shopping.
I’m so thankful because of that Jessica Jung moments we encountered. It was all unexpected and my Hong Kong stay was definitely worth it! Thank you so much Sica for making us happy! You’re beyond words. I can’t wait to see you again when I visit Korea and I hope you’ll remember us.
PS To Jessica’s haters, I don’t really see anything wrong about her. I know we all have different biases, likes and preferences but I hope you have good reasons why you’re hating on her. I know to some, things wouldn’t change but hopefully, once you’ll meet JESSICA JUNG, you’ll change your mind and I loved it when she wrote my name
For your information, I’m a sunshiner (Sunny is my bias) and I know that Jessica Jung is my second bias now. She’s the third member I’ve encountered like this (I meant the kindness and great fanservice). First, Seohyun and Next is Tiffany and now, JESSICA JUNG
One of the best days of my life so far
她在看到“西卡公主”的時候笑了,她說她很喜歡這個。當我在問她“哪一個成員是妳願意交換一天生活的呢?”(我給了她選項-Yoona, 徐玄, Tiffany) 她邊笑著說,“我還蠻想試試珠賢的生活的。”而後她勾選了徐玄的名字。
給討厭Jessica的人,我真的沒有看到她的任何缺點。我知道我們都擁有不同的本命、喜歡的或是個人的偏好,但我希望你們能有一個好理由來解釋為什麼你們會討厭她?我知道有些事情不會改變,但仍然希望,一旦你們遇見了鄭Jessica, 妳們就會完全改觀。而我特別喜歡她寫我名字的那時候。
順帶一提,我是個SunShiner (Sunny是我的本命)但我知道現在Jessica是我的第二本命了。她是我遇過第三個像是這樣的成員(我指的是親切度以及超棒的fan service)。第一個是徐玄,下一個是Tiffany, 而現在是Jessica
(備註: 原po似乎搞錯了活動日期,第一天應該是5/12, 而隔天的碰面應為5/13)
130515 香港送機後記
來打個今日簡短 (?) 的後記
有鑑於過去幾次HK機場送機場面都不怎麼冷靜 (縱使幾乎每次都有架圍欄) 所以本來預估今天也是差不多
但就在JCC出現一個小時前 就有幾個人? 朝整排的人一個個喊話說 要拍照的話請站後面 其他人坐在前面靜靜的看 只要前面的不要太激動站起來 後面的就不會騷動 這樣皆大歡喜
還有說到 盡量不要亂吼亂叫 以免影響其他遊客
(第二張圖可以看到最左邊就是"後面" 主要拿大砲拍的都在這裡 因為人是從右邊出來的)
我本來覺得場面可能會失控 (因為只要一個人站起來 擋到後面的 全部人都會跟著站起來 就失敗了..) 而且就算能維持 許多人大吼大叫也是難免
而帶頭的人也三番兩次耳提面命 請大家務必遵守秩序
(((插曲之一: 這時候機場派數個保安過來在圍欄前站著,他們好像挺驚訝HK的粉絲會自動自發坐在地上等人的..可能跟原本他們想的畫面完全不同吧XD,結果這時人群起鬨說: 我們都坐下了 你們(保安)也要跟著坐下才對啊 保安:........(我坐下的話那乾脆不要派我來好了
Jessica真正出現的時候..應該不用我贅述,總之算挺安靜,有人如果分貝數過高旁邊的人也有適時制止,現場最大聲的就是快門聲了XDD Jessica本人好像也不太敢置信
她走得很~~~慢~~~ 此時經紀人小房看到中間坐在第一排的人伸著JCC的小卡? 要簽名,他停下來,伸手抽了其中一個fan的小卡給JCC簽 (就我印象所及 在機場簽名這種事情好像很------少------發生?) 我想那人應該把今年的RP都爆光了lol
也表示今天此安排以成功收場 (不過是聽說有人在抱怨保安啦,一直催促她趕快往前走...
可參考以下影片: cr:Sosius HK http://youtu.be/DXAtzuqy3as
cr:forreferrenceonly http://youtu.be/ZmSymp971WY (毛遂自薦lol
以上都沒有配背景音樂 原音重現
經紀人表示 只要大家像泰飯一樣 (沒錯,他很讚賞泰國飯守秩序..) 乖乖坐一排等人,Jessica就會放慢腳步跟大家好好見面這樣~
還有他也提到 Jessica這趟旅程好像滿開心的,很喜歡香港,還有很中意IFC (一家就在他們下榻旅館的正旁邊的MALL,有賣許多名牌) 跟圓方 (就是在instagram上看到有飯跟Jessica合照的地方) 這兩棟建築(的東西?) ,還有順便品嘗點心,包子(餃子) 這類的
[[[結果最後小房表示: 有我出現的照片請不要放到推特上面 感恩]]]]]
((這算哪門子的簡短你說!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ←被揍飛